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Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario

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Standard of Practice

The Standards of Practice are specifically directed at the realities of professional practice of members who operate full-time or part-time design practices, design/build contracting firms, building technology service companies, architectural practice, or construction companies. A breach of the following provisions by members engaging in the aforementioned type of professional practice shall form a part of what is considered professional misconduct. As such, these members shall, as applicable:

Submit building permit documentation under BCIN provisions, complete with liability insurance requirements as outlined in the Building Code Act;

Sign for appropriate BCIN compliance only on final drawings, specifications, reports or other documentation prepared or reviewed by the practitioner;

Not allow design and drafting work that the practitioner performed be submitted as if performed by a single family home owner client, therefore without BCIN provisions and liability insurance coverage;

Present clearly to clients the possible consequences if professional decisions or judgements are disregarded and/or followed only in part;

Stop services to a client only upon non-payment of fees, conflict of interest, or if the client misleads member and/or the relationship irrevocably breaks down;

Undertake a commission already started by another member or other professional only when the written consent of the original member or other professional starting the commission is obtained, unless the original member or other professional cannot be reached for their decision regarding consent after having undertaken all reasonable efforts to do so;

Advertise services using the following guidelines: o for a member’s practice or company only, o in a manner that shall not mislead the public, disadvantage fellow members, or discredit the profession of architectural technology, and o claims of uniqueness or special advantage shall be generally supportable by existing scientific or corroborative evidence; ents the possible consequences if professional decisions or judgements are disregarded and/or followed only in part;

Submit a tender or acts as a contractor in respect to design and drafting work that the practitioner performed only upon providing disclosure in writing; and

Accept compensation for the supply of material or equipment in relation to design and drafting work that the practitioner performed only upon providing disclosure in writing.

The Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario

The Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario (AATO) is authorized under the Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario Act, 1996 to permit registered members to use the title “Architectural Technologist”, “Registered Building Technologist”, “Architectural Technician” and “Registered Building Technician”. AATO protects members of the Association, and the public who deal with registered members of the AATO by investigating complaints against members and disciplining members who breach the AATO’s Act, By-Laws, Code of Ethics, Rules of Professional Conduct and/or Standards of Practice. The AATO is not responsible for individuals practicing building technology who are not members of the AATO.


This form is to be used to file complaints regarding the professional conduct of an AATO member who may have violated the AATO’s Act, By-Laws, Code of Ethics, Rules of Professional Conduct and/or Standards of Practice. If you are uncertain whether someone is a member of the AATO, you can check with the AATO Head Office. If your complaint falls outside of AATO’s jurisdiction and authority, or does not relate to a breach of the AATO’s Act, By-Laws, Code of Ethics, Rules of Professional Conduct and/or Standards of Practice, we will let you know and we may suggest alternatives to address your concerns.

Confidentiality of Your Complaint

AATO cannot guarantee that the information you provide, or the information we obtain from other parties during the course of our investigation, will remain confidential. We are obligated under the By-Laws of the Association to provide a copy of the signed Complaint Form and associated materials to the named member if the Complaints Committee believes the complaint has prima facia merit and the Committee is considering whether to refer the matter to the Discipline Committee or writing a letter to the member providing advice regarding the complaint. We also have to provide the member with some or all of the other information obtained during the complaint investigation.

Complaints & Discipline Process

Upon receipt of a complete complaint, the Registrar will send a copy to the Complaints Committee to consider and investigate. If the Complaints Committee determines that the complaint is without merit and the member has not breached the AATO Act, By-Laws, Code of Ethics, Rules of Professional Conduct, or Standards of Practice, the Complaints Committee may dismiss the complaint. If the Complaints Committee considers the complaint to have merit, the member whose conduct is complained of will be notified by being provided with a copy of the complaint. The member must respond to the complaint in writing within 30 days. The Complaints Committee will examine, or make every reasonable effort to examine, all the information and the documents that the AATO has that are relevant to the complaint and the response provided by the member. The Complaints Committee is made up of registered members together with a member of the Association Council. If the Complaints Committee determines the complaint is valid but relates to simple infractions, it may forward directions to the Registrar to issue a letter to provide advice to the member complained against in writing. If the Complaints Committee determines the complaint warrants more serious attention, it may forward the matter to a Discipline Committee for further action and/or investigation.

If the matter is referred to a Discipline Committee, the Complaints Committee will present the complaint to this Discipline Committee. Discipline Committees are made up of registered members in good standing, who may discipline the member by, for example, revoking or suspending the membership of the member in AATO, or taking other action as specified in the AATO By-laws and Rules of the Complaints and Discipline Committee Proceedings. The AATO does not have the authority to award financial compensation or to award legal or other costs. The member, who has been complained against, may be represented by an agent or lawyer. The complainant may participate in the discipline process by giving evidence about the facts which led to the complaint.

Complaint Form

Please find the form in this link

Association of Architectural

Technologists of Ontario


80 Maritime Ontario Blvd, Unit 225

Brampton, Ontario L6S 0E7

Phone: (905) 405-0840

Toll Free Phone: (866) 805-2286

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